Your Experts in Engineered Life Saving Solutions
Specializing in Window Washing and Building Maintenance Fall Prevention and Protection Equipment, Products, Installations and Services.
- New Construction and Industrial Applications
- Medical, Government, Educational, Office Buildings
- Retro-Fit, Existing Commercial and Residential
- Low, Mid- and High-Rise
VISION Fatal and tragic falls from height can and will be prevented.
MISSION Provide awareness, solutions, planning and risk mitigation to building constructors, owners and managers to help them prevent fatal and tragic falls at their sites, thus protecting businesses from losses and more importantly saving lives of those who work there.
BUZZ For the latest on industry news and citations, and to learn all about OSHA, ASME, ANSI, BOMA and IWCA regulations, codes and consensus standards, check us out at NoFallGuy on Twitter and our No Fall Company Safety Blog.
PRODUCTS Davits, Suspension Arms, Tieback Anchors, Roof Anchors, Wall Anchors, Flush-Mounted Anchors, Stand Anchors, Bolt-thru, Weld-on, Epoxy, Embedded, Cast-in-Place (CIP), Clamp-on, Beam-Wrap, Horizontal Lifelines, Vertical Lifelines and Ladders, Guardrails and Railings, Intermittent Stabilization Anchors, Customized Products, System Upgrades, Related Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and more.
SERVICES Inspections, Pull-Testing, Certifications, Design and Planning, CAD Drawings, Licensed Professional Engineering, Consulting, Risk Assessments, Site and Structural Reviews, Installations, Permitting, Project Management, Safety Plans
ARE YOU COMPLIANT? If not, you and your company could be subject to expensive OSHA citations and exposed to millions due to injury liability and litigation.
Contact us to learn more about OSHA CFR 29, ASME A.120 and ANSI/IWCA I-14.1!