Monday, October 22, 2007

What's in a Safety Plan?

OSHA requires that a fall protection & prevention Safety Plan be in written form, that it be between a building owner or its representatives and each subcontractor, and that it be signed by an authorized person from each party. Note that each Safety Plan is site-specific, thus, it contains information unique to
each and every building, because none are exactly the same. So, for every building-subcontractor combination, there should exist a unique, written, signed plan.

So what should the Safety Plan contain? Here is a simple outline:

  • Employer responsibilities
  • Supervisor responsibilities
  • Worker responsibilities
  • Company fall protection policy statement
  • Site-specific fall protection work program
  • Safety monitor responsibilities
  • Hazard identification
  • Fall protection types
  • Equipment log
  • Sign-off sheet
It is advisable to seek help in writing safety plans and assuring they contain all the information necessary for mitigation all fall risks and to prevent injury to workers.